![]() 06/30/2016 at 12:09 • Filed to: speeders, asshats | ![]() | ![]() |
Why do people insist on speeding up BEFORE they reach the sign indicating that the speed limit has increased?
Maybe unlike the rest of the population, I have a cousin that got nailed for doing 20+ over as she sped up leaving a town before she reached the 55mph speed limit sign.
Hearing her story, I learned my lesson. And why break the law in the first place? Well, break it by THAT much anyways....
Everyday I have some jackwagon that ASSUMES I want to increase my already 5-10mph over the limit by double that by speeding up BEFORE I get to the sign ahead that states a limit increase. So the jackwagon assfuck cuntface starts tailgating me. Usually until I reach the sign and I accelerate, then they back off.
I don’t get it, people. But when YOU get that ticket for doing 54 in a 25 because you floored it before the 55mph sign... well that’s on you, bud. Just make sure there’s no one in front of you.
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Depends on the town, I’d think. In general, yes. I speed up before the sign. If you’re in a place like Waldo, Fl, you go five under all the time.
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Same reason people feel the need to be in the middle of an intersection waiting for the left turn, instead of just waiting for the traffic to clear from behind the line. It doesn’t save you any time, all it does is make you vulnerable and “forces” you to run red lights. I know that this is something that people do all the time, and its not technically illegal (at least in Utah where you are legal to “clear the intersection” regardless of the light) but I’ve watched carefully over many years to determine that hanging out in the intersection is a liability only...yet people do it pretty much 100% of the time.
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Why get worked up about what other people do or want you to do? Drive your own drive, man.
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Maybe it depends on the distance?
Sometimes the speed limit changes at an intersection, but the sign comes several yards later because you can’t post a sign in the middle of the street.
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Because when I have a F-350 two feet off my rear bumper and my kids in the car it makes me hope a deer doesn’t jump across the road....
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Because the opposing drivers see the yellow light as a go faster light.
If you wait behind the line to turn left, you’ll never turn.
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It does one thing: when oncoming traffic is heavy enough that you may not get to turn left before the light turns red, creeping out into the intersection allows you, as the first person in line, to squeak through under the justification of “clearing the intersection” after the light turns red and the oncoming traffic stops. That way, you don’t have to wait for the light to cycle through and wait for another chance. I’m not saying it’s advisable. It’s not. But, that’s why people do it.
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It was my understanding that the speed limit starts when the sign is visible. The same goes for other signs, like no passing, or yelid.
Or stop. It would be silly if you stopped after the sign.
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In the eyes of the law you’re speeding. But now instead of going 5 under, depending on the limit up TO the sign, you’re going many mphs over.
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The limit starts where the sign is. No discussion.
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All it does is force you to turn on a red.
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oh I know why people do it, same with speeding up early. it lets you “sneak through” a little. Still not advisable
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Brake checks aren’t cool either.
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I need to turn before I run out of fuel!
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The no passing (no passing or no passing zone) is defined by the sign. You STOP and YIELD at those signs as well, given they are placed near the physical line on the road or at the intersection.
My cousin said the same thing and the cop told her (and the law is written) that the limit starts at the sign, not before.
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Exactly. I'd rather sit in the middle and turn on red than take my chances turning on yellow.
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Since when does the limit start at the sign?
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That’s pretty strict, but... I can’t argue with it. Well put.
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Where I learned to drive and drive it encouraged (by driving schools and the province) because it allows you to safely turn easier, there by improving traffic flow and safety.
Granted you are only allowed 1 car at a time in the “waiting position” and you should be finishing your turn under a yellow.
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Nope. In fact, here in Texas, it’s one of the reasons for all the cataclysmic accidents we have at intersections. Ofter, the oncoming cars try to squeak through on red, too (aka run the red light).
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It’s the light at the end of the tunnel, you just gotta go for it.
Also, unless you’re driving a real shitbox, you don’t need to floor it to be up to 55 by the sign. And if you gradually increase your speed, you won’t need to floor it after you pass the sign just to get up to speed. And, almost nobody lets what ticket they
get determine how they drive unless they see a cop, have recently got a ticket for that thing, or have so many points on their license that they are on the verge of losing it/have already lost it.
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I thought I was replying to ‘hope there isn’t a deer’. Im aware of how speed limits work.
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i’m pretty sure the sign marks the zone change.
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But there is something to be said for driving as legally as possible to make it a good habit, and to lead by example especially if there’s others in your car.
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Ah, gotcha. I don’t brake check.
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If that’s your goal, sure. Most people don’t drive with others in the car, and can be different people when not being watched.
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A - Fuck the eyes of the law on speed limits. It’s just revenue.
B - You totally misread that. I was saying give it an extra wide berth because those are the small town cops who are going to actually ticket you for speeding between the signs.
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Broadly, the road has usually increased in width, straightness, sight distance, and all those other little things that justify higher operating speed *before* the sign announcing the change. If you take the indicated speed limit as a purely mechanical attempt to indicate safe speed and discount its perfection on that basis, the e.g. 45mph road properly speaking begins a little ways before the sign. That little ways varies, of course, so while allowing a necessity to call it *at the sign*, I can absolutely understand people jumping the gun a little.
What’s really obnoxious is when there’s a road that has two different speed limits for the same stretch depending on which direction you’re going. Etiquette would indicate having the 35mph signs and the 45mph signs less than a whole quarter mile apart, but that’s not how we roll in my town, apparently.
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That is not always true depending on the state. I know higher speed zones would start before the sign (around when it would be visible).
I used to look up Traffic Control Orders/Speed Limits (TCO) and occasionally worked with the TCO engineer at MDOT in MI when working on segments of highway for the traffic monitoring that you would see on google/here/bing...etc
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exactly. Accident to benefit ratio is way off for the practice.
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baja bugs don’t run out of fuel
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No there isn’t. Not at all.
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Laws vary from state to state. In WI there is not such law stating WHERE the limits begin, only that they are governed by the sign, if there is one, then laws based on road location and width.
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For no passing that’s true but it isn’t when the pavement markings differ, if there are markings on the road, you follow the markings (ND does not have no passing signs, just markings on the road).
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So illegal is worse than illegal and unsafe?
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Well for passing yeah, I meant more for speeds. If the END PASSING ZONE sign is a few feet from where the solid yellow starts, make sure you follow the line first. Especially if passing a cop.
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So you’re supposed to creep up to the sign at the old limit and then gun it when you cross the line?
Usually the difference in speed limits is negligible. 45 to 55, 35 down to 25. I’m usually somewhere in between anyway. And most of the rest of traffic does this too.
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Differing speed limits for opposite directions? I have to admit, I’ve never seen that before.
Is it a curve/corner? One that’s SEVERELY sharper on the inside or something?
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Same reason people feel the need to be in the middle of an intersection waiting for the left turn, instead of just waiting for the traffic to clear from behind the line. It doesn’t save you any time
I’m going to have to call bullshit on that one. If you have a gap you can make from the middle of the intersection, it might not be there if you add another 40 feet of your travel to the gap.
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If I’m going 30 in a 25, and that’s not good enough for the jerk behind me who’s so close I can’t see his headlights? Well then maybe I slow down to exactly 25. Without braking.
Ja feel me?
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Baja Bugs run on the blood of the Raphael Orlove
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Because they save SO MUCH TIME in that 100'.
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It would be silly if you stopped when you first saw the stop sign, I think.
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unless you are driving a subaru sambar that gap is either too small or those 40 feet (helluva huge intersection) isn’t going to matter.
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No. Yes, tailgaters suck, but don’t get preachy about what’s legal when you do something both illegal (downshift style brake check)
unsafe. You’re making an argument about what’s legal when the law is obstensibly put in place to create safe driving conditions then making the road less safe through additional illegal action. Make up your mind.
![]() 06/30/2016 at 12:46 |
i wouldn’t say 45 is’creeping’, and you don’t need to ‘gun it’ but yes, from my understanding the sign designates the change in the speed zone, so if a cop wanted to be a dick, he could nab everyone trying to jump the gun.
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40 feet isn’t an unreasonable distance to estimate. Lanes are 12 feet wide. That’s just over three lanes and the line isn’t at the edge of the gap. The extra 40 feet does make a difference because you’re coming from a stop.
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That would be silly. But it’s also silly if you stop after the sign.
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There’s one road in particular on my commute that’s a 25mph limit through a residential area. there’s one last 25mph sign, a T intersection, then a curve. AFTER the curve the road widens and there is a 45mph sign.
EVERYONE increases their speed before curve, sometimes before the intersection. But always before the widening of the road and the sign.
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I was specifically taught to do just that in drivers ed. In a lot of cases, especially in cities, opposing traffic will never clear enough to not go on yellow and there is no green arrow. Pulling forward shortens your overall turn distance and help keep traffic flowing. This is less of an issue where two large streets meet, but a lot of those intersections only allow left on green arrow only to prevent the issue.
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Well except for the fact that following the speed of traffic around you is safer than doing whatever the posted speed is.
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Its illegal to adjust my speed to match the limit and conditions? News to me. What’s unsafe is the person following if they do not have time to react to a 5mph difference.
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Because sometimes you just feel like it.
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Escalation is considered road ragey. Depending on the aggressiveness of your deceleration.
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I don’t brake check.
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It’s a long curve which does have several drives intersecting the inside of the curve in less than ideal ways, but the bottom line is, there are a pair of 35s on opposite sides of the same point in the road and a pair of 45s, and the 35 signs are a quarter mile away from the 45s. Which means, anybody going along the 45 to 35 side experiences a 45mph speed limit, while on the same stretch somebody going from the 35 to the 45 has to stay down at 35. Oh yeah, and the stretch goes over the crest of a hill, and there’s a restaurant behind which the po-po hide, so they can catch people coming over the hill blind - in sight of the 45 sign that would save/justify them (about another 50ft down the road).
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We’re talking two lane roads here in the ‘burbs, not a 6 lane expressway in LA.
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Ah, well in that case I 100% support the “coast to the exact speed limit” tactic, assuming tailgating.
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Its FIVE MILES PER HOUR. What is wrong with you people? Are YOU the ones tailgating because 5 over the limit isnt fast enough for you?
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Believe me, I drive a LOT differently (read: defensively) in Milwaukee versus out in the sticks.
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What part of ‘don’t escalate’ is so fucking hard for you?
(He said, blatantly escalating)
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Sometimes I don’t even HAVE to downshift. I’m already in a low enough gear to decelerate.
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And yet, I would suspect the road design of the curve supports going 35 just fine. Is the curve just as residentially cluttered as the first stretch, or is it breaking over into rural? I can’t say I really blame anybody too much for trying to make up part of a 20mph speed difference when it “feels right”. Also, I did say “usually”.
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I like to think that maybe the person behind me is of sound mind and judgement and will take a gentle hint. More than often they do.
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Gentle hints are the best hints.
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There’s a farm on the outside of the curve, a river to the inside. Def breaking into rural.
(what I didn’t mention is the opposite side of the road is still 45mph, until AFTER their portion of the curve.)
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I’m not exactly stabbing the brake and throwing birds out the sunroof ;)
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One of the roads I take to go home is actually one of the few places I consider a 35 to be a little high. Blind drives, some sharp corners, some narrow spots - but it’s still a semi- out of town-running road, so 35 it is.
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If it’s a one lane road, pull over and let them pass.
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I was also taught thus...I still thinks is bad advice. I don’t think the shorter distance makes an actual difference in clearing the intersection
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My land cruiser in 19 feet long...so 40 feet means you are 2 large car lengths past the line...in any situation that’s too far
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Disagree entirely, but then again, I’d find space while you waited for a green arrow ;)
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I’m not waiting for the arrow, I go through the same gap you do since traveling one extra car length doesn’t actually change anything in terms of time to transit through a gap
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You’ll have to time it so you start early then. I still think I’m looking for a gap two seconds shorter than the one you’re looking for.
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I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this and counting in my head over many years...you would be surprised how little difference it actually makes for time. Maybe half a second...tops
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Depending on your timing, it actually could be argued that you’d need a smaller gap since you’ll be entering the opposing lane at a higher speed and can thus cross faster, but the timing part of it is what kills me. That being said, I tend to be a bit more aggressive with my launches than most people. If I don’t have a tiny bit of wheel chatter, I feel like I did it wrong. I
eat tires though.
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40 feet’s actually about right. I just measured a local intersection (3 lanes, 2 travel 1 turn) on google maps, from the white line to where you’d run into cross traffic (though there shouldn’t be any since they’ve got a red) is almost exactly 40'. You’re supposed to stop behind the white line so you don’t get nicked by a tractor trailer, but if you’re going to make the light anyway (which at a lot of intersections, you are) you’ll be out of the way before the light changes. Also, half a second can be enough to give you a comfort margin. At 50 mph (73 fps), incoming traffic will close almost 40 feet in that half a second. It could be the difference between “that was a little close, but whatever, we made it” and “Holy Shit! you almost killed us!”I don’t creep up if I don’t think I’ll make it, but I don’t think there’s a problem if it’s cleared before the light changes.
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The major thing is being able to turn on yellow across busy roads. Sometimes it's just not going to happen if you don't pull out. But again, its situational.